US Government



George W. Bush

Dick Cheney


Department of Agriculture
Secretary Ann M. Veneman

Department of Commerce

Department of Defense
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld

Department of Education
Secretary Rod Paige

Department of Energy
Secretary Spencer Abraham

Department of Health and Human Services
Secretary Tommy G. Thompson

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary Mel Martinez

Department of the Interior
Secretary Gale A. Norton

Department of Justice
Attorney General John Ashcroft

Department of Labor
Secretary Elaine L. Chao

Department of State
Secretary Colin L. Powell

Department of Transportation
Secretary Norman Y. Mineta

Department of Treasury
Secretary Paul H. O'Neill

Department of Veteran Affairs
Secretary Anthony J. Principi


Council of Economic Advisers
    , Chair

Council on Environmental Quality

National Economic Council
    , Chair

National Security Council
       , Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

Office of Administration

Office of The First Lady
Laura Bush

Office of Management and Budget
, Director

White House Office of National AIDS Policy
, Director

Office of National Drug Control Policy
, Director

Office of Science and Technology Policy
, Director

White House Office for Women's Initiatives and Outreach
, Acting Director

President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
, Vice Chairman

United States Trade Representative
, Ambassador, United States Trade Representative


Arms Control Disarmament Agency
John D. Holum, Director

Central Intelligence Agency
George Tenet, Director

Consumer Product Safety Commission
Ann Brown, Chairman

Corporation for National Service
Harris Wofford, CEO

Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Brooksley Born, Chairperson

Environmental Protection Agency
Carol Browner, Administartor

Federal Communications Commission
William Kennard, Chairman

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Ricki Helfer

Federal Election Commission
Lee Ann Elliot, Chairman

Federal Emergency Management Agency
James Lee Witt

Federal Trade Commission
Robert Pitofsky, Chairman

General Services Administration
David J. Barram, Administartor

Merit Systems Protection Board
Ben L. Erdreich, Chairman

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Dan Goldin, Administrator

National Archives and Records Administration
John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States

National Endowment for the Arts
Jane Alexander, Chairman

National Endowment for Democracy
John Brademas, Chairman

National Endowment for the Humanities
Sheldon Hackney, Chairman

Nation Performance Review

National Science Foundation
Neal Lane, Director

National Security Agency
LtG. Kenneth Minihan, Director

National Technology Transfer Center
Brian Joseph, Interim Executive Director

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Shirley Ann Jackson

Peace Corps
Mark Gearan, Director

President's Commission on Physical Fitness

President's Council on Sustainable Development

The President's Interagency Council on Women

Railroad Retirement Board

Securities and Exchange Commission
Arthur Levitt, Jr., Chairman

Small Business Administration
Aida Alvarez, Administrator

Smithsonian Institution
I. Michael Heyman, Secretary

Social Security Administration
Kenneth S. Apfel, Commissioner

Selective Service System
Gil Coronado, Director

United States Agency for International Development

United States Information Agency
Joseph Duffey, Director

United States International Trade Commission
Marcia E. Miller, Chairman

United States Office of Government Ethics
Stephen D. Potts, Director

United States Postal Service
Marvin Runyon, Postmaster General

Voice of America
Geoffrey Cowan, Director

White House Fellows
Nancy Y. Bekavac, President


U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) was created by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. CBO's mission is to provide the Congress with objective, timely, nonpartisan analyses needed for economic and budget decisions and with the information and estimates required for the Congressional budget process.
The General Accounting Office is the investigative arm of Congress. Charged with examining matters relating to the receipt and disbursement of public funds, GAO performs audits and evaluations of Government programs and activities.
The Government Printing Office (GPO) prints, binds, and distributes the publications of the Congress as well as the executive departments and establishments of the Federal Government.
The Library of Congress mission is to make its resources available and useful to the Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations.

The Stennis Center is an independent, legislative branch agency created by Congress in 1988 to promote and strengthen public service in America and to carry on the commitment to public service exemplified by the life and work of Senator John C. Stennis of Mississippi.


United States Supreme Court

United States Court of Appeals

Second Circuit

Third Circuit

Fourth Circuit

Fifth Circuit

Sixth Circuit

Seventh Circuit

Tenth Circuit

Eleventh Circuit

Federal Courts

Federal Circuit Court of Appeals

Federal Judicial Center

United State Code

United States Federal Courts Finder

U.S. Federal Courts


Official United States Government website:


Alphabetical Directory of Federal Agencies